X-Wear Blog: News, Tips, and Tricks for What Inspires You

X-wear Goes Back To School

X-wear Goes Back To School

Summer is not over. Yet. But soon it will be. And every year, the start of school is preparation for that eventuality. Colleges typically begin earlier – the end of...

X-wear Goes Back To School

Summer is not over. Yet. But soon it will be. And every year, the start of school is preparation for that eventuality. Colleges typically begin earlier – the end of...

May the Socks Be With You

May the Socks Be With You

There was a time in the not-so-distant past when socks were the gift equivalent of having a tooth pulled. But over the past decade that’s changed. Somewhere along the line...

May the Socks Be With You

There was a time in the not-so-distant past when socks were the gift equivalent of having a tooth pulled. But over the past decade that’s changed. Somewhere along the line...

And the Countdown Begins!

And the Countdown Begins!

Do you hear that? Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. That’s right - the countdown is on to December 25. First, of course we have to get through Thanksgiving, the calm before...

And the Countdown Begins!

Do you hear that? Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. That’s right - the countdown is on to December 25. First, of course we have to get through Thanksgiving, the calm before...