Thank You American Heroes!
Sometimes the real meaning of Memorial Day weekend gets lost amid the backyard barbecues that will undoubtedly fill our time over the next three days.
But it shouldn’t. Ever.
While many of us will be able to relax at the beach or by the pool this weekend, there are those who don’t have that luxury. They are our men and women in the armed services.
Over 170,000 troops, in every branch of the military, are currently stationed overseas. This weekend they will not be able to see their wife, their husband, their kids, their parents. We ask that you remember them and their families this weekend.
We ask that you remember servicemen like Army Corporal John M. Dawson, 22, of Whitinsville, Massachusetts, who was killed in action in April while stationed in Afghanistan. We ask that you remember those like Army Major General Harold J. Greene who was shot and killed in August of last year while visiting Afghanistan’s national military academy in Kabul. And we ask that you remember 31-year-old Green Beret Michael Cathcart who died this past November while serving in the Kunduz Province of Afghanistan.
We ask that you remember our servicemen who survive, but come back scarred, physically or mentally, making the transition to civilian life more difficult than it should be.
These brave men and women – those that have served and those that currently serve - truly are American Heroes. This Memorial Day, take a moment to remember them. And if you see a veteran or a serviceman over the next three days, take a moment to thank them.
Now, it’s our turn.
Starting tomorrow and through Monday, May 25, we want to express our sincere gratitude to our veterans, active military men and women, and their families. Come into any of our (Sol Optics, Coconuts, Board Stiff, Newport Sunglass) stores on Cape Cod, in Newport or in Boston and receive 20% off any of our sunglasses (Randolph and Wiley X are popular among military personnel).
If you’re shopping online, simply use the code: HERO2015.