How To Measure Your Glasses for Clip-On Sunglasses

You've decided to take the plunge into the Clip-On world of sunglasses... How do I know which ones will fit?

BUT in order to make this transition relatively seamless, you need to make sure that you have measured your eyeglasses properly.  And here's how to do it.

Clip-ons come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors so you cannot simply "measure" your your glasses to get the correct fit. So please follow these steps to have a successful first purchase.

  • Determine the shape of your glasses - typically one of the ones listed here 
    • Square
    • Round
    • Oval
    • Rectangular
    • Aviator
    • Cat-Eye
  • Locate the Sizing Guide for the manufacturer (Most retailers will have a link to that somewhere on their listing)
    • These are usually provided as a PDF form.
    • Make sure you have Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer. If you don't, simply download it from here 
    • Make sure that you view is 100% its actual size
    • Print it off on your home printer at 100% 
    • Many manufacturers will show a quarter as a reference at the top of the page.  Make sure that quarter in your pocket is the same size as what's on the page
  • Lay the papers down flat on a table top or other flat surface
    • Locate the pages with the shape of your glasses
    • Hold your glasses LENS SIDE DOWN and pass them across the different sizes
    • Carefully note the shape and size of the ones that appear to fit your glasses.
  • Go to your retailers website
    • Search for the Shape & Size (from the sizing sheet) and the Frame & Lens colors that you would like.
    • Make your purchase!

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